Jul 24, 2021
'We took a cartoon/graffiti inspired approach to this one - creating a fun little corner at this amazing facility. It was cool to explore creating some fun characters and mixing it all up with plenty of type. An amazing space now even better with its own pop of personality. We worked with the PARC Fitness\' branding palette to bring this one to life. It\'s great to see this one up, kudos to the crew at PARC for their amazing work with the space. -- Stay in touch with Migs x Eze: Web: https://www.migsxeze.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/migsxeze Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/migsxeze -- #migsxeze #muralart #handpaint #design #creative #art #vectorart #mural #gym #fitness #gymmotivation #parcfitness'
Tags: Design , paint , art , illustration , mural , street art
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